Hi All,
While back I owned a 2000 S4 which was Stage 3 K04. I can't recall power numbers but for some reason I'm remembering around 370awhp/420awhp (does that sound right for a stock motor K04 Stage 3?)
Anyway, right now I own a 2012 Mazdaspeed3 and a 1997 Dodge Viper and was thinking about getting back into a B5 S4 (can't deal with FWD) but since I've been out of the Audi scene for 6 years I need a little guidance on what has developed and what are the "builds" to look for.
After a little research, these seem to be the common builds. Anything else that I'm missing and out of these builds which are the "best" for power
Stage 3 K04
Stage 3 K24
Tial 605
Tial 770
After identifying the build setups above, the next question is, should I look for something already built or buy a local S4 that needs work and build it myself. Been searching the classified and there are two Tial 770 cars and a Stage 3 K24 car that I've been keeping a close eye on but not sure if I should bite. The Tial cars are in the low 20's.
If the Tial setup is the "best" setup to go with, how much would it cost to build? Say $7k for a starting S4 + kit + other upgrade parts + labor etc would it be greater than the low 20's, my logic tells me yes.