I'm looking at this 2008 S5 (manual) that has about 65K miles on it.
I have all the service records from 2008 from the owner and it was serviced an Audi since the beginning.
The owner has said he has spent on average $1400 USD per year over the last 5 years on maintenance (not including tires or brakes!).
Here are some things I see in the records, much of it is cryptic to me:
I will just summarize some of the things in order starting from this year going back to 2008.
July: check engine light on.
complaint: customer reports engine is backfiring
cause: misfire on cyclinders #2 and 4 found leaking injectors for cylinders 2 and 4, and missiing intake runner arm clip
correction: removed intake, replaced clip, replaced #2 and #4 injectors, reinstalled intake and cleared faults and road tested
parts: injector, battery, clip, repair kit, gasket, injector F, tie wrap
service 80K miles
change oil, filter, inspect brake system, rotors
correction: blades, washer fluid, wheel tire check, etc..
seasonal wheel change
seasonal wheel change
brake fluid service
front brake service (cleaning and relubrication)
rear brake service
seasonal wheel change
camps and modification (ecm software update)
complaint: oil level sensor
correction: drained and reused oil, replaced level sensor and road test
complaint: diag prior: replace headlamp level sensor
parts: level sensor
60K service
complaint: ECM software
complaint: customer says fuel smell in cabin
correction: replace high pressure pump and clear all CTCS and wash engine and road test
parts: fuel pump, thrust sensor
15K service
complaint: engine light on
cause: multiple misfires stored, only TSB's related is for carbon deposit, will supply additive
correction: supply additive and make sure high grade fuel used
seasonal tire change
seasonal tire change
15K serviing
complaint: engine light on
cause: misfires on 3 and 6 cylinders, checked with horoscope 1, 2 and 4 are leaking.
returned to customer but misfires 2 days later.
correction: injectors replaced 1000 miles ago when misfires at cylinders 2 and 6 scanned misfire codes. now with 1,2 and 5.
checked with horoscope 1,2,4 leaking past seals removed and replaced 1,2,4 injectors.
bolt, spark plug, injector F, gasket, hose, repair kit, repair kit, addtitive, filter elem, on steward, washer, engine oil, washer,
bolt, spark plug, additive, washer, on steward, 40 PRE mix, injector F, gasket, hose, additive, repair kit, repair kit, filter elem,
wahser, engine oil, 40PRE mix.
complaint: engine light on
correction: replace fuel, add additive, check faults cyclinder 1,2,3,4 have misfire faults. previously customer told bad fuel,
filled with 91 octane and added audi fuel cleaner, pulled all plugs and inspect, all ok, reinstalled.
complaint: check engine light on, cold start engine idles rough, backfire cold
correction: car ran a bit rough, codes for 1,2,3,4 cyclinders. no carbon, injectors have been replaced.
call tech line, told car has bad fuel. use premium and if using premium go to other station
complaint: miss fire
cause: misfires 1,2,4 cylinders,
correction: remove intake manifold, replace 1,2,4 injectors and reseal #3 injector. install manifold, clear faults.
parts: injector, repair kit, gasket, washer, injector, repair kit, gasket, washer, clip, hose, hose, battery
balance tires
complaint: check engine light on
correction: remove intake manifold, remove both injector rails, replace # 3 and 6 injectors, replace all seals on remaining injectors,
clean carbon off valves, reassemble, clear faults.
injector, gasket, repair kit, clip, injector, gasket, reapir kit, clip.
35K servicing
complaint: engine light on
correction: scan misfire, fault found in TSB completed prior, remove intake, remove carbon build up, reassemble.
parts: injector F, gasket, clip, additive, injector F, clip, additive
complain: check engline light on
correction: scan misfire cyclinder 4 checked
parts: additve
the rest is just regular trips.
Is this a problem car with misfires and injectors?
Looks like the brakes/pads are still original also, which I think will cost $1500 to replace eventually.