I have a loud noise coming from top passenger side rear of the engine after 5+ hour cold starts, it lasts for 38s every time.
If I turn the engine on then turn it off as soon as the noise stops, then turn it back on 5s later the noise does not occur anymore.
That behavior to me eliminates the, "Oh its not lubricated yet its the valves"
Taking the oil fill cap off to expose the valves it does not get louder. after it stops there is that odd chirp noise heard in video, like something is spinning down. I was originally chasing a possible Air Pump and or EGR thing.
The car had header work done on it before I acquired it and I found a large bolt sitting on the under carriage cover.
I am thinking something unbolted and opens an air way letting me hear stuff u shouldnt be able too...
obviously I cant see that back area cuz of the manifold metal cover, I tried to remove it once but it was getting stuck in the back area.
So I want a good manual that shows me everything back there so i know what I am dealing with, I see there are no Haynes or Chilton, I rather have a manual in my hand NOT something I am forced to browse online. working on cars oil soot covered hands isnt optimal for swiping at screens or keyboards.
I've tried to get some insight from "anotherworld" forum but it seems to be driven by people who are only capable of checking their oil suggesting I take it to a dealer.
I been fixing cars for 30+ years, only I touch my cars.