Hi there,
Have a jap imported Q3 and need some help with coding info.
Long story but I took it to a friend at Audi to plug in and see if any software updates were due, we plugged it in and it came up with two to do,
one was for the MMI and one for the Central Electronics. Updated without thinking, now cant pick up radio station as frequency only goes from 70hz to 90hz!
and the DRL's have turned off.
Obviously the update has seen the car is from japan and set it to japan spec again! Annoyingly my mate was leaving on the day we did it so cant take it back there.
Have had some people look at it but not sure how to set the region back to UK, has it reverted the software back to japan or just changed the coding to japan.
I think I need the long coding for the mmi or how do I get UK software?
so if anyone can help it would be great! Its not my car its my mums and shes not happy!!!
