Tis the season for "my heat is blowing cold air" threads. Have to park the bike in the garage for the season and tidy up the b6 for the cold months.
I've recently discovered a quick coolant leak the other day, while working on another issue of the "flooded ecu box" variety. Get on the floor to see where the fresh stream of Coolant on the pavment leads, and lo and behold, it's coming off the front of the tranny.
I hate changing this part, but I love this car too much that I just have to accept it as a necessary nuisance. I've also discovered that theres an actual metal variant of this part for purchase now.
What I am skeptical about is whether it being metal was the change in design it needed to not be such a weak part in the coolant system. Isn't it the o-ring that generally fails? I'm on the fence about purchasing that variant instead of the plastic one, if it is just the o-ring that keeps failing on me. It has been 3/4 changes for me, with 2 of that 3 being AUDI OEM branded parts.
I know it's a popular part that fails on these engines, but is it the oring, or the physical plastic part that fails for most people?