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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Increasing amount of drivetrain binding/scrubbing

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    2004 Allroad 2.7T 6MT

    Over the last year I've been noticing an increasing amount of scrubbing sound from my car when taking turns. When I first got the car it only happened at full lock on a flat dry parking lot. It's sort of a scrubbing/light vibration/binding kind of thing. I'm sure most people are familiar with what I'm talking about. It's to the point now where I get it when I'm taking a left/right turn into a side street. I also get it when I leave a stop a straight line....(!)
    Changed tranny fluid about a year or two ago. OEM fluid. Have also changed the fluid in my rear diff as well. Any advise? My guess is the center torsion differential is hosed. My first and second gear are getting a little tight as well so it might be time for a rebuild. But I would like to get through the winter with it as-is if there's anything I can do to fix this.

  2. #2
    Active Member Four Rings alien_brain's Avatar
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    check your front drive shafts... cv joint

  3. #3
    Established Member Two Rings
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    So I'm checking for a loose joint? Tight joint? I can tell you have no noise from the front end at all. No clunking, no clicking. Front axles were replaced with raxles axles a few years ago. They get all new joints, no re-grinds etc.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Power steering pump/rack?

  5. #5
    Active Member Four Rings alien_brain's Avatar
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    this is probably a better place to look.

  6. #6
    Established Member Two Rings
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    I'd be happy to consider this if someone can supply a reasonable explanation of why the power steering pump/rack would cause drive line binding/scrubbing when I'm leaving a stop light in a straight line.....(?)

  7. #7
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Wheel Bearing? I read re-tighting that axle bolt to spec will wreck older bearings. Or they just go bad. And 6 speed? Last clutch was when?

  8. #8
    Established Member Two Rings ben0069's Avatar
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    I have this same problem, purely back end, new clutch, prop shaft, changed rear diff. Have not done rear axles or rear wheel bearings but cannot imagine that that would cause this amount of thudding...

  9. #9
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Original clutch to the best of my knowledge. I cannot detect any slippage in the clutch under hard acceleration though

    I can imagine what a sinking feeling it was to spend all that money, get in and find out the problem is still there. I'm going to benefit from your misfortune and not bother chasing those items. I honestly believe it's the center torsional diff. Now I just have to figure out where it is in the transmission and how to change it out. I'm going to research the 01E today. I'm HOPING that the center diff is located in the tail section of the transmission and that the tail section can be removed and center diff serviced without pulling the tranny. To me that would be the ideal scenario. My motor needs to come out anyway this winter, but I don't have all my ducks in a row yet and I'm not ready to do the motor swap/trans rebuild.

    Well this thread is promising:!

    in as much as it seems the center differential can be replaced without pulling the motor. I still need to do more research into the center differential to see if this device could actually becausing the issue. I don't think it's just a standard open diff. It's some sort of torsion diff which is responsible for allowing XX amount of torque to the rear wheels.

    I meant to add that my noise is also concentrated to the rear.....
    Last edited by swamper8; 11-02-2016 at 06:09 AM.


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