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  1. #1
    Senior Member Two Rings Mr.Jones18's Avatar
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    Alternator fault?

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    So as I was just pulling into my jobs parking lot and sitting in my car with the engine running, I got a notification saying that I had an alternator fault and that the battery wasn't getting a charge. Now I'm still running the factory battery so what are the chances that it's just the battery going out or is it really my alternator taking a shit on me? I'm sitting at around 108k miles and don't have an aftermarket sound system but I do have air ride so the compressor does draw some power about every other time I air up. This just happened and I haven't experienced any other warnings or anything else prior to. Hoping it's just the battery seeing how that's relatively easier to swap out.

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  2. #2
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    Could be the alternator, but could also be the belt for it. It's high millage, so check to see if your belts are OK. If you weren't moving, you might not have noticed the power steering and other things go out as well. Pop the hood and check your belts first. If that seems OK, check voltage with a volt meter on the power terminals and see if it's over 12 volts with the engine idling. If not, the alternator isn't charging. Keep in mind that you won't be able to drive the car without a working alternator. It's what powers the ignition system to create spark and drive the engine. The battery will not be sufficient to drive around.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Two Rings Mr.Jones18's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwankP3RF3ct10n View Post
    Could be the alternator, but could also be the belt for it. It's high millage, so check to see if your belts are OK. If you weren't moving, you might not have noticed the power steering and other things go out as well. Pop the hood and check your belts first. If that seems OK, check voltage with a volt meter on the power terminals and see if it's over 12 volts with the engine idling. If not, the alternator isn't charging. Keep in mind that you won't be able to drive the car without a working alternator. It's what powers the ignition system to create spark and drive the engine. The battery will not be sufficient to drive around.
    Yeah I'm aware of the alternators purpose, just was hoping I'd luck out and it'd be the battery since the availability of ordering an alternator isn't as readily available as a battery :/ oh well guess I'll have to test it after I get off work.

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    At that mileage, probably worn-out brushes in the alternator...The brushes are part of the regulator module, which can be replaced.

  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings theweebabyseamus's Avatar
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    Always nice with a high(ish) mileage car to pick up a spare alternator and starter when you see one pop up. That way you can have one rebuilt or just have a spare so you're not looking at as much down time. I realized this with my last car. Lol

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Jones18 View Post
    Yeah I'm aware of the alternators purpose, just was hoping I'd luck out and it'd be the battery since the availability of ordering an alternator isn't as readily available as a battery :/ oh well guess I'll have to test it after I get off work.

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    I didn't want to spend dealership prices on an alternator for an older B7 and ended up just picking one up at AutoZone. Lifetime warranty or whatever and it's worked fine ever since. Looked identical to OEM for connections, etc. and even the pulley and it's plastic covers. Maybe try that.


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