Hi all, i think i never post here but i have a question.
I have an audi a4 b5 2000 quattro ans tiptronic version.
Engine 1.8t atw
My k03 is blown and i bought an k04 after that and inatalled a few things.
-Forge splitter valve (i had installed before)
- Silicone induction hose (becouse the original had a hole)
- downpipe (installed before)
- SAI deleted
- cone intake and heat shield (just for sound i have the original just in case)
- a guy who was supposed to work with my tune tolds me that i had to buy a 440cc 42lb injectors, so i have them and installed also i have the original too.
Before almost all my car came with a Split Second installed and i remove it becouse im supposed to get a tune.
My question is.. i need a custom tune to my car or can i get a tune like (Giac, apr, revo etc...)?... There's someone with and ecu that works for me?
My goal is 200hp could be a little more but i want 200hp.
Note: I'm not expert, i just wanna have fun with my car :)