Originally Posted by
my MT doesn't bother me at all in traffic
Trust me, I'm not going to get into an argument over manual vs. automatic (DSG,DCT...etc.). I respect everyone's opinion in the matter because it really just boils down to opinion. Neither is "better" than the other as it really just boils down to preference. For me having lived in Southern Cal, South Korea "Seoul" and tackled some nasty inclines in Gibraltar, I have come to appreciate the convenience of an automatic transmission.
The gap between manual and automatic has really shrunk over the years and the argument has gone from "slush box" and "irratic shifts" to basically manual owners just saying I like to row my own gears. There is nothing wrong with that but having been around it's very interesting to see the gradual performance piece of it swing to the automatic side (in most scenarios).
With that being said if my S4 only came with the "D" option I'd have driven it off a cliff already. The only thing with the DSG that makes it shine is S mode or manual flappy mode.
Enjoy your manual, Enjoy your DSG...you can't go wrong with either if you like them.