Alright it's not that bad, but I'm not going to ignore it. Recently, I noticed that after the car has a chance to fully cool off(cooler weather is aiding this too), a nice little puddle of coolant appears near the extreme edge(corner where the edge of the splash pan meets the wheel well liner) of the drivers side engine compartment. Coolant is clean so at least that's a good sign. If I stand over my engine bay with the hood open, I can catch a good whiff of the smell coming from somewhere in between the front of the expansion tank and the radiator. Now, before I go ahead and do a pressure test, I was wondering if there was a common cause for something like this? My initial assumption is a seal on one of the hoses maybe? It can't be a crack because it would be sending coolant out all the time. Anyways, thanks for your tips in advance!