my wife's car's VIN is WAUXL6 8E 7 5A074524. According to the sticker in the maintenance manual, the sales model is 8E5 549 with BHF engine, HEP transmission, and EXZ final drive. Per the VIN decoder, this car is a model year 2005.
When I'm looking up parts (e.g. nemiga.com), sometimes the catalog shows a split.
For example, the power steering return hose that was a recent topic on here is on page 422-070, item #10. Catalog shows what looks like 3 versions (one original 8E1 422 891 F and 2 revisions 8E1 422 891 L and 8E1 422 891 AK - might have then ordered wrong...).
It shows the split as:
F >> 8E-4-250 000 (up to but not including 250000) so use 8E1 422 891 F
F 8E-4-250 001>> (250000 and up) so use 8E1 422 891 L
My question is, how do I figure those split numbers relative to my VIN? Is the split telling me:
- 8E Avant Quattro
- 4 - model year 2004
- sequential number 250000?
Let's say the split was F >> 8E-5-074524, then my wife's car would be in this group 074524 and up?
Reason I ask is a couple of times I've ordered parts and have received a part different to what was needed, and I'm wondering what I'm screwing up.