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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Decode parts range relative to VIN

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    my wife's car's VIN is WAUXL6 8E 7 5A074524. According to the sticker in the maintenance manual, the sales model is 8E5 549 with BHF engine, HEP transmission, and EXZ final drive. Per the VIN decoder, this car is a model year 2005.

    When I'm looking up parts (e.g., sometimes the catalog shows a split.
    For example, the power steering return hose that was a recent topic on here is on page 422-070, item #10. Catalog shows what looks like 3 versions (one original 8E1 422 891 F and 2 revisions 8E1 422 891 L and 8E1 422 891 AK - might have then ordered wrong...).
    It shows the split as:
    F >> 8E-4-250 000 (up to but not including 250000) so use 8E1 422 891 F
    F 8E-4-250 001>> (250000 and up) so use 8E1 422 891 L

    My question is, how do I figure those split numbers relative to my VIN? Is the split telling me:
    - 8E Avant Quattro
    - 4 - model year 2004
    - sequential number 250000?

    Let's say the split was F >> 8E-5-074524, then my wife's car would be in this group 074524 and up?

    Reason I ask is a couple of times I've ordered parts and have received a part different to what was needed, and I'm wondering what I'm screwing up.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by neilpaku View Post
    my wife's car's VIN is WAUXL6 8E 7 5A074524.
    Let's say the split was F >> 8E-5-074524, then my wife's car would be in this group 074524 and up?
    You want to ignore the dashes and the corresponding characters in your vin, and imagine that the rest is one long number. Sometimes I accidentally just look at the last 6 digits and forget about the 4th one in front of the dash, and that can cause a mistake because you need to look at it too. so in your example you need to look at it as 5074524 rather than just 074524.

    if the split was F >> 8E-5-074524, then yes your wifes vin would be included. but if the split was the split was F >> 8E-4-074524 then it wouldn't be. I get in the habit of ignoring that 4th digit because it's rare for it to be a factor, but sometimes it is

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    also, this is how I interpret this:

    F >> 8E-4-250 000 (up to and including 250000)
    F 8E-4-250 001>> (250001 and up)

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Great thanks! That's how I thought it worked but wanted to verify. When I put the car details into Elsawin, it "thinks" it's a 2004 (it doesn't take the vin but I put the other details like the sales model etc. in there)
    So, in your last post, 8E-4-250001 refers to a 2004 sales model right?


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