Hello all - I am seeking assistance from the 1.8t gurus of these forums in an attempt to try and figure out what is going on with my car. I hate posting 'help me' threads but I am really at a dead end here with trying to resolve this.
Some relevant facts before jumping in:
-New Bosch F6DTC plugs
-Relatively new 034 PCV components
-New VVT tensioner with chain
-Mechanical timing verified
-Vacuum and boost leak free
So the issue that is occurring is that when the clutch is engaged and throttle blipped to move the vehicle, the ECU is pulling out between 1.5* and 7* of timing across all cylinders and continues to pull timing through 3k rpm. This almost always happens pulling away in first gear and usually continues to happen after shifting into 2nd unless I wind first out enough for the timing pull to stop before shifting into 2nd. The effect of this timing pull can definitely be felt by how slow the car will accelerate in the low RPM and especially if on a hill of any sort.
I have observed that resetting the trims and adaptations causes the issue to stop for a time, but after 100 miles of driving or so and the vehicle getting up to temperature, the issue always resurfaces. Ambient temperatures seem to have a small effect on how much timing the ECU pulls out.
I've posted 2 links to data logs capturing this issue as it happens. I would greatly appreciate anyones thoughts, theories, troubleshooting steps to perform, really anything anyone has to offer.
Cell 3814 is the most excessive example i was able to capture in the above log. Ambient temperature in this log was between 81* - 84* F.