I have been dealing with horrible Sat. radio reception for over a year now. It got so bad that during my 30 min commute to work, I pobably had a total of 5-10 min worth of signal reception. When the signal did cut out it would take 15-30 seconds to come back. I was convinced that it was the Sirius satelite module itself.
I came across the above post yesterday and decided to give it a shot. Well, during my commute to work today I have reception the whole way in!!! It did cut out when I went under overpasses, but it would cut out for no more than 2 seconds.
As a bonus I can now lock/unlock the car from over 50ft away where before I had to be no more than 10ft from the car.
I think my main issue was actually the dirty contact on the rear window. Cleaned them, hit it with scotch brite and bent the prongs back a bit to give them more tension and that did the trick.
So happy it all works I thought I'd share.