The reason I'm starting a threat with this title again is because all the others seem kinda dated and I'm hoping some new information has come around.
So as we all know the 3.0L models are kinda sluggish in relation to the 2.7T, 4.2 V8 and other such models.
Aside from the basics (intake and exhaust) mods, what else can those of us with the 3.0L do to boost performance.
Turbo kits can be custom made and installed but at ~$10k all said and done its just not that feasible.
PES has a G3 supercharger for the 3.0L but that's also costly ($4k for the unit alone) and I've read about it blowing things up.

SO, whats left for us?
Are we stuck at this performance level?

SIDE NOTE: I do love this car and everything it offers, I don't want to get rid of it, just improve it. Therefore, no, trading to a 2.7T or 4.2 is not really an option.
Go easy on me this is just meant to reopen an old discussion in the hopes there's new info available that hasn't surfaced anywhere else, or maybe fellow owners have some dirty secrets
