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  1. #1
    Established Member Two Rings
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    Want to reopen an old thread: 3.0L A4/A6 Performance Mods

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    Hey guys let me start this off in all caps: YES I HAVE SEEN THE EXISTING THREADS FOR THIS TOPIC!!!
    The reason I'm starting a threat with this title again is because all the others seem kinda dated and I'm hoping some new information has come around.

    So as we all know the 3.0L models are kinda sluggish in relation to the 2.7T, 4.2 V8 and other such models.
    Aside from the basics (intake and exhaust) mods, what else can those of us with the 3.0L do to boost performance.
    Turbo kits can be custom made and installed but at ~$10k all said and done its just not that feasible.
    PES has a G3 supercharger for the 3.0L but that's also costly ($4k for the unit alone) and I've read about it blowing things up.

    SO, whats left for us?
    Are we stuck at this performance level?

    SIDE NOTE: I do love this car and everything it offers, I don't want to get rid of it, just improve it. Therefore, no, trading to a 2.7T or 4.2 is not really an option.

    Go easy on me this is just meant to reopen an old discussion in the hopes there's new info available that hasn't surfaced anywhere else, or maybe fellow owners have some dirty secrets

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings a4kamila6's Avatar
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    I dont know how well the block handles boost, but im assuming you would need rods/pistons to even dream about forced induction. Id say look into custom exhaust headers and maybe a tune to get you some more juice but you wont see more than 5-10hp increase to the wheels if at all. If you have cash to spend, I guess most engines can be made more powerful, how long it lasts is another thing.

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings rollerton's Avatar
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    ANY modification that adds a worthwhile amount of power to the 3.0 is fairly cost-prohibitive. IF I remember right JHM's 3.0 car eventually made something like 30-50hp extra. And if you add up the retail cost of the parts it took do it you'd be around $5-6k (some engine hardware, Tune, exhaust, header, ..?). For half that you can swap in a 2.7 pretty easy so you have to use a little logic in the decision too. I did a tune and some little teaks to my old 3.0/ 6 speed A4 and it definitely helped.
    For the money/ cost the best mod you could do would be a manual trans. And while you're in there you could free up a little power in the exhaust and get a tune.
    Beyond that you're into a huge money or an engine swap to see any large improvements.
    foley803 : What does an electrical surge sound like? Barking dogs? Watermelons?

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings
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    Best swap would be to keep the crank and build 2.7t engine around it .


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