I'm now looking to install a cheaper equivalent of superchanger cooling system upgrades sold by some brands, my cheaper alternative is a divorced system with bigger front heat exchanger (single-pass) and an expansion tank. That's it. No extra pump which I'm totally happy with.
Now the easy modifications to further improve this contemplated upgrade would be to make the front heat exchanger triple-pass and add the extra coolant reservoir to increase the coolant volume in the system. I'm not too sure if the triple-pass is a good idea; I note the only aftermarket system which features it (AMS Alpha one) has an extra pump so maybe it is a must for (presumably) more restrictive triple pass deisgn, and I'm not planning to go for extra pump anyway. Adding more coolant on the other hand won't hurt as the only immediate effect IMO is more heat capacity, hence lower IATs increase during a single pull, with no immediately seen disadvantages.
Any chance of more economic alternatives to the coolant reservoirs of APR / PLM and the likes? Maybe it's just me but I don't fancy paying 400$ for a simple aluminium tank with a bracket...
This is what I'm talking about, would be happy on any thoughts for best bang for the buck improvements.