Originally Posted by
Could be the sensor or could also be a failing thermostat, but the thing is, the thermostats in these cars tend to fail closed and your engine would be overheating. If it somehow miraculously failed open, then you'd get this code as the engine would never reach full temp properly or in the expected time period the ECU expects rather.
Well it stay at the second mark and nothing seems to be going awry. No overheating or creating temps. Coolant level is normal engine bay, supercharger, etc seem to be pretty cool . So I'm thinking it's the CTS but I don't know where it is I can't find any information on where it's located. I have all data at work but not sure if it will have correct info for our cars. Have any clue where it's at
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Or anyone have a clue where it's at no info much in the forums or google so I'm stuck in a standstill