I was finally lucky enough to get an A7. I have an irrational thing with hatchbacks and fell in love with the lines of the A7. I wanted to share my first few mods. These are mostly inexpensive DIY but I think they add to the look of the car. More importantly they can all be easily removed should I want to sell the car. Most folks on here know that selling a customized car is way harder than a stock one.
First up was the steering wheel and gear shift. This was super easy and only took about 5 mins to swap. The stock steering wheel in the A7 made the car look like a old Lexus IMO.
Next I used Plastidip to blackout the grill. It was quick and I can always peel is off if I sell the car. I know plastidip is a little ghetto but its fun and so easy to remove.
Blacked out the chrome (I HATE CHROME) window trim with matte black vinyl:
Grayed out the rear badges (they look black in photos but are a matte gray in real life). I liked this better than pure black:
Soon I would like to add some H&R springs and possibly an AWE exhaust. The exhaust on the A7 is way too quite