I've owned a few of these little interfaces and they're typically pretty slick .
The one I have now will intermittently say "No iPod" even though the iPod is firmly connected in the glove box and hasn't been touched .
So then I have to go get the thing and plug it in and unplug it about 100 times before it will see the iPod again .
Mind you, I can still play music using the "iPod gateway" . So I can still play music through the iPod itself , but the Densio Unit itself seems to be failing.
It's pretty frustrating if you have the thing is tucked away nice and neat and you have to root around for it every day, sometimes 3 times a day, and dig it out and mess with it for 15 minutes to get to work . This happens at random and for no discernible reason.
Is there an update for this thing is there anything I can do about this or is it just garbage ?