so, last year when doing a walnut blasting of the intake, I had to remove the top portion of the dipstick. Well, apparently the plastic tip with oring that sits on the lower metal oil tube broke and came off with the top portion. I didn't realize at the time that there was a plastic piece that goes on the lower tube. however I finally ordered a new top portion and when installed it and it didn't sit on the lower tube, I knew what happened. so, I ordered a lower tube but I'm not sure how to install it. I'm thinking maybe I can just take off the plastic tip and put it on my existing lower tube?
Otherwise, I need to pull out the metal tube. Any one do this before? I read on the b6 forum about needing to tap on the bottom of it via dropping oil pan. that's not going to happen on the b7 for me.
Can I just grab it with some pliers from top and just wiggle it free? Would I have to drain oil first? I just changed it.