Hello everyone!!
I've been here for a while reading and learning a lot for my A6. Now as a new owner of an A4 2.0T (my first turbo car) I need to learn a lot more.
Right now I have some issues with it. P0299 and the car feels slow, really slow at starts. After reading here I checked the DV and it is OK, it is a G version but looks really good, just found a lot of oil in the connector and I'm not sure it should have been there.
Today I went for a ride with my vagcom and logged RPMs, 115/3 and 115/4...
I'm not sure what to look for now... I think there is no boost leak (can't hear nothing) and there is little axial play in the wastegate (just in and out, no lateral, where it enters the turbo).
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.