Hello everyone! I apologize about the long post ahead of time. I got a 07 Audi A4 2.0T with 74,000 miles. I've owned the car for about 1500 miles. The car starts and idles fine. I can pass cars with no problems, drives down the road fine. I live in a very rural two lane highway area. No expresseway driving. I have this one big hill that I have to go up and its from a dead stop and it's a 50 mph road so the car gets a pretty decent load to get up to speed hangs around 4 grand for awhile.( I guess I could compare this to coming onto a on ramp and getting up to expressway speed). Every time I get over half way up the hill I get a massive James Bond smoke screen of blueish white smoke. At the same time it seems like the car is struggling also wants to misfire due to the massive amount of oil getting in to combustion chamber maybe? One time it did misfire enough for me to pull over threw a check engine light for cylinder three misfire, it was definitely running on three cylinders. After a minute of light to medium revs in park and messing with swapping coil packs to different cylinders didn't change which cylinder my misfire was on. It cleared up and drove home fine like the plug was loaded up. If I just run the car hard like a 0-60 I might get a little blue at the top of the rpm band but not much at all or a hard couple car pass I don't get the smoke, only time I can get it to do it is on that hill.
I've done some research and the oil is not milky and my coolant level hasn't changed but I do go through oil. I don't think it's the turbo and I blew into the intake tube of the pvc and it wouldn't let air in but there was oil residue in the tube.
I've came across this post on another forum board. Here is the link read the original poster and then skip down to post 26 and 29. The rest of the posts are stuff that's been gone over a million times
Then I found this link on this forum board that explains the valve cover failure. It's a good explanation of the failure and discussion.
I've got a second 06 Audi A4 that I picked up with a bad engine and am in the process of swapping engines in at the moment and that bad engine has the silver valve cover compared to my 07 black valve cover, the new engine I'm putting in that car also has the black valve cover, by reading that second link it seems like the silver ones were holding up better? I've inspected it very closely and haven't found any cracks or loose parts on that silver valve cover. Also previous owner of the 06 Audi said he never had any oil consumption issues. I work all weekend and won't have time until next Tuesday to swap out the valve covers and take it for a test drive up the dreaded smoke screen hill. I might just be wasting my time and it could just be rings or turbo or who knows what. . Just looking for opinions and advice. Also will the silver valve cover came on a bpg engine and the black ones are on a bwt engine, will they swap out or are they different? Thanks for reading my long ass post and I hope to have some results by next week.