I have a 2012 S4 that I got flashed to Unitronic Stage 2+ and the Car is impressive. Now I bought a Uni-connect cable and that is where my experience is going downhill. First of all the Dealer didn't assign the cable to me properly and secondly during the software installation registration now the cable will not work until I get Unitronic technical service to access my laptop and set it up. I am an air traffic controller and its impossible to do this at work so i took a Day off which is in effect almost an impossible task but I pulled it off. The tech told me to call at 8:00 AM which I did only to be told that I called in late because I am on Central Time, now I am hold for when the tech has a chance to call me back which could be basically anytime because he could not give me even an approximate time. Problem is that I also have a 12:00 o'clock appointment at the dealer and I know that my car will be getting the ECU update. I bought the cable just for this reason as I am 30 miles from the closest dealer, I am now regretting my purchase and actually thinking of getting the car re-lashed with APR as my Jetta TDI is. There goes my plan to give Unitronic a chance and to be truthful the flash is great but they are under staffed and it seems only one IT specialist is in house there. So there is my experience so far and it just sucks!!!!