Hello all long time reader but somewhat new to actually using the forum am looking for help with the 12555 I know I've seen plenty of threads on it but I haven't seen anyone really get a final solution. Anyways here's my problem
Ongoing check engine light comes and goes over the past year
12555- low pressure regulator fuel pressure outside spec. 008 implausible signal
12555-low pressure regulator fuel pressure outside spec. 004 no signal/communication
I have been to the dealer numerous times for diagnostic and have replaced the following already without success
High pressure fuel pump with follower
Low pressure fuel pump (tank pump)
Fuel filter
G410 sensor
Dealership seems to be at a loss for what's causing the fault and the car really isn't experiencing any noticeable symptoms runs starts fine still pulls great when you want to get up and go. Only symptom is the check engine light comes on when you start it half the time and when it's on its like it kicks the car into a limp/safety mode. Any help, info or insight on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
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