Here is the actual issue ....
you didn't have the fitting quite square when you tried to tightened down the banjo bolt so deformed it a little . this is a very low torque bolt for several reasons.
1. I doesn't need to be high if the fittings line up perfectly
2. the banjo bolt is hollow with a hole drilled through it , if it snaps off you will be pulling the hole pump off again to fix.
Even if you get a new banjo bolt it may not resolve the issue if the fitting has been tweaked ( it doesn't take much. ) as the banjo bolt itself does very little sealing . it merely pulls the fitting against the pump face, and im sure that is where it is leaking, not the bolt face against the fitting
if this is the case copper or aluminum crush washers will probably resolve it as they will form to the imperfections and make a seal, but do not over torque that bolt.
Bottom line is take a few extra minutes and make sure that fitting is squre against the pump before tightening the bolt , don't just be thankfull you got the bolt through and eagerly start tightening. When the fitting is settled you will know it.
Good luck.