Ok, before you ask, I've searched for a while and found people with similar problems but didn't find any actual solutions or anyone that said for sure it was one thing or another.
Ok so I have a 450lph pump, when I put it in moths ago, it was super late at night and I had work the next day so I didn't change the filter at the same time like I should. I let it go for a while until a few weeks ago before going to socaleuro, I noticed a few starts where it would take an extra second to start so I decided to change the filter thinking it was bad. After swapping it out for a filter that's been rolling around my tool box for a while(still in box), it started up quickly without issue. A few days after running fine, I parked on an incline and had to level the car out to start it, I thought nothing of it till the next morning it didn't want to start. I thought, ok maybe the filter was just sitting around too long. So I went to Napa and they ordered me an OEM filter and I swapped it out. Started right up I left and came home About 6 hours later, it wouldn't start. Next morning it started, I drove it to my dads where I parked again on an incline, wouldn't start till I leveled it out and I noticed the fpr hose was off so I popped it back on(couldn't have been off more than a day), a few more tries and it started. Drove about a mile and it died at a light, started after a minute. Drove it home. Tried recreating problem so I could diagnose but it wasn't having any issues now. So I drove it again the next day to my dads house, parked on level ground, came back to it about 10 hours later, started right up, drove the same mile to the same stop light and it just died, took another minute of trying and it started up fine. Drove normal after that. So I left it alone a few days until Monday I started it up for work, let it warm up, it idled for about 3 minutes and died about the same time it took to die getting to the light on previous days, would only crank after that and I didn't have time to diagnose because I had to get to work. So today I started it up and sure enough, a few minutes at idle and it died. So I started trouble shooting, I pulled the "out" line from the pump cover, I put a ziplock over the "out" port and I cranked with no fuel until about 5 seconds into cranking, fuel spat out. I hooked the line back up and the car started normally. I got readings on my multimeter from the pump connector that showed .55V(seemed low)while key on engine off, and jumped up to 10.8V-11.1V(somewhere in there) while cranking.
Is it possible my pump is going out or acting up from having to deal with an old filter for months? I don't think my crank or cam sensors have anything to do with it but I could be wrong. And at first I thought some particles from the old filter got into the lines but once it started cutting out at the same time multiple times I kinda put that out of my mind. Haven't been able to communicate with my VAGCOM for a while or I'd hook it up but there's no CEL.
Any ideas or insight are very much appreciated.