I have a very difficult problem to figure out. Just got the obdeleven so now i can see what the real problem is. I have changed the CTS recently to try and fix this. (3rd one since 75K miles)
What happen: At about 90K had a CEL for the CTS. Went to change it, the sensor plastic plug crumbled in my hand and left me with 2 wires. I rigged it as best i could with new wire taping it blah blah.
So it worked for a while then (because of the place with the heat coming from the CC) the tape fails and the CEL tripped it again.
This time when i replaced it only this time, the gauge shows fine but both fans turn on when car starts and turn off 5 secs after car is off. AC on or off does not make a difference. I also noticed a small leak and figured it was time to take it in.
New flange and sensor (plus other heater core piping) replaced to fix the leak, the shop fixed up the wires for me a little better with heat shrink etc.
Today i scanned it with the OBDeleven and what it shows is interesting. i do get a
p0118 circuit high
lower limit not reached
1622 U/min
40 km/h
1010 mbar
13.462 V
1.0 *v.OT
This is with a brand new sensor.
The one i replaced had same readout.