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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings Dannaye's Avatar
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    If I had my pistons replaced under the recall would a carbon cleaning be bene...

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    I currently have 112K, I had the recall done at about 85K. The cars idle isn't bad since I've replaced the motor and tran mounts. But I do have a loss of power and read a carbon *could* help that.

    EDIT - This is me assuming they did it along with the piston job (which I have a high doubt for)

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  2. #2
    Active Member Four Rings EuroxS4's Avatar
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    Piston job is just that a piston job.Chances are Carbon buildup was not cleaned.If there was any present,normally I would assume they would try to upsell that cleaning while the engine was apart.Long story short the piston job is an extension for just a oil burning issue.It has nothing to do with carbon on the valves or in the intake tract.I believe warranty on the piston job still is 12 month or 12k miles whichever comes first.
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  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings pierreb's Avatar
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    Do a CC anyway at this mileage. It won't hurt. Find a place that does walnut cleaning if possible. Loss of power could be a lot of things. Are you still on the original turbo?


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