I park on the top floor of our parking deck every way to lower the risk of idiots hitting my car. I got my car in July and have parked in the same area for the last 2 months.. I come out of my office at 5:30 yesterday to this......
I'm assuming they wanted to break into my car, but the only item in there was my radar detector. They didn't mess with any other windows, nor did they break the whole way through.. Needless to say I am not buying a new window that has to be ordered for around $300 after install. I'm glad they didn't key my car or do anything worse, BUT this is still a huge pain in the A$$.
I try to stay out of people's way and this is what I get... The lesson I learned is always park where people will see your car in public during the day, and no matter what someone will always be jealous. I can't wait for Karma to come around on whoever hit my window!