Hey guys, I recently ran into some issues with my 2004 a4 1.8T motor having low compression on two cylinders. I removed the head and found some very obvious, multiple cracks in the head between the valves on all cylinders accept for cylinder 4, which showed the highest compression between all 4. Anyway, long story short I'm on the hunt for another cylinder head. I stumbled across a head locally, it's at a local shop who ordered the head for a 2004 volkswagon and it's been cleaned/rebuilt. However, they do not seem to know exactly the head is for, aside from a 2004 volkswagon. He sent me a bunch of pictures and I wanted to post on here to see if anybody could help identify the head and if it is indeed compatible with my AMB motor. (the head doesn't have any 3 letter code stamped into it). Attatching some pictures below to see if anybody can help identifying! Thanks in advance fellas (=head1.JPGhead2.JPGhead3.JPGhead4.JPGhead5.JPG