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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    S4 got in a wreck, Please help/direct me to Quality Replacement parts

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    Yea so unfortunately Labor Day evening my car was involved in an accident. I was sitting at an off ramp stop light in the middle land of a double left lane turn. Huge caravan or truck to the left lane of me. When the light turned green I took off at normal speed, only to be greeted by a car who blew his light and collided into my front drivers side panel.

    Everyone who was there took off so when the cops arrived there were no witnesses, therefore according to the Police at the scene he could not put any single on at fault.

    Yea so the media is currently uploading but you will see the left side is done, control arm and suspension on front passenger destroyed. Vehicle was leaking fluid. I will need a new radiator, and windshield container and a bunch of stuff.

    Adjuster came and underestimated the damage, he is returning today to take another look and re adjust. So I've received the initial check today and would like help from you all PLEASE to help me find quality aftermarket replacement parts. I figure with OEM prices as expensive as they are I can get just as good or better aftermarket parts for both sides of the vehicle. I will also need all the miscellaneous nuts, bolts, hoses...and such. I will also need a new DTM bumper with carbon fiber trim piece.

  2. #2
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Last edited by ladiesgod; 09-19-2016 at 02:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    With parts, I usually go to the Audi dealer and get them to print out a list of every single part I need, and then go buy it online. Try WorldPAC if you are a member, if you need OEM parts from there, I have a friend who is a member I'm sure he can help you out, I usually use FCP euro and ECS tuning, FCP euro is cheap but they don't always have the part you're looking for, but they do have a lifetime warranty on the parts they sell.

    Make sure your engine is still good if you suffered a heavy impact!

    Look in the classifieds section because there are always people parting out their cars so you might get lucky with a used part.

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Three Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by gautam View Post
    With parts, I usually go to the Audi dealer and get them to print out a list of every single part I need, and then go buy it online. Try WorldPAC if you are a member, if you need OEM parts from there, I have a friend who is a member I'm sure he can help you out, I usually use FCP euro and ECS tuning, FCP euro is cheap but they don't always have the part you're looking for, but they do have a lifetime warranty on the parts they sell.

    Make sure your engine is still good if you suffered a heavy impact!

    Look in the classifieds section because there are always people parting out their cars so you might get lucky with a used part.
    Excellent advice, thanks!

    Is checking the engine something Insurance companies are prepared to deal with or handle and will they cover the inspection? My vehicle was leaking fluid so I don't know if any damage was caused by this you know?

  5. #5
    Senior Member Three Rings
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladiesgod View Post
    Excellent advice, thanks!

    Is checking the engine something Insurance companies are prepared to deal with or handle and will they cover the inspection? My vehicle was leaking fluid so I don't know if any damage was caused by this you know?
    I was in a small accident recently, minor damage to the front end but some plastic punctured the radiator and condenser up front, but I gave my car to the insurance company and paid my deductible rather than have them write me a check to go fix the car. I am not sure the insurance company will cover expenses associated with inspecting the engine but ask the adjuster to have a look but my guess is they're mostly looking for cosmetic and structural damage rather than mechanical damage (unless its blatantly obvious like your radiator and fluid leak). Doesn't hurt to ask your insurance company but I doubt they'll be able to help sadly.


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