I have a very slight head gasket leak. After sitting overnight I have a tiny amount of coolant leaking into cylinder #2, just enough to cause a misfire for 5 seconds or so and give a little puff of burnt coolant out of the tail pipe. Anyway, I'm pretty sure my head is fine, but I'd like to make it a one day job. I'd like to get a cylinder head before hand and have it resurfaced and install new valve stem seals in it, so when I pull mine I can put this one right back on it and not have my car in pieces for a few days. So if anyone has a spare they don't need right away, I'll ship you mine when it's all done and compensate you for your troubles. I know it's a long shot, but either way, I'd like to buy one, and I'll have one for sale in a couple weeks. Who has one laying around?