The gasket I got on my hella oil level sensor was light green. It's been leaking for about 3 months, small drips. The replacement I got is olive green. I can't think of why it would leak... Other than the fact that it's an Audi. It looks the same on both sides. at this point the one I have on there is so tight I'm afraid I could damage the threads for the screws. Also, I wouldn't want to use RTV but I already have to try to stop it from leaking. Since it's a level sensor it's supposed to sit at a certain height and I really don't want to keep the level sensor other than where it's supposed to be. Even though I realize a little RTV is only going to add a little bit up height.
I filled the recess that the gasket sits in on the sensor with RTV and then lightly placed it against where it seals on the oil pan leaving an impression of RTV. I then put a bead of RTV on the oil pan. Then I put the seal in its recess on the sensor. I let that dry for about 5 minutes before I screwed the works together. I waited about another hour before I totally snugged it up and it's still dripped since.