I think I tried everything except a proper Ball Joint Separator (my Gearwrench model doesn't seat in the spindle / ball joint area fully)
I did try using the ball joint separator pickle-fork which did no good.
I tried Direct Shock to the Spindle, also tried hitting the threaded portion of the ball joint (forgot to add nut to prevent damage to threads); did damage to a couple of threads and used an angle grinder to cut out of the defective threads.
Also tried OTC 2-Jaw Puller, which slipped as it couldn't grip the spindle fully.
I feel like I'm out of options here, and was very close to completing the Driver Side today.
What are the next steps I should take? Should I try a larger ball joint separator (purchase from Harbor Freight)?
Btw, sorry for the multiple threads on my suspension; just felt that each dilemma I came across deserved its own thread.
I even searched for other solutions (such as http://www.audizine.com/forum/showth...ed-like-a-mofo ) but no further solution available.
I just now sprayed the area with PB Blaster (liberally).
Aluminum uprights, not steel-type.