Before you fall over laughing, give this a read as I was surprised what I found with a little investigative curiosity. I stumbled onto a fix for the lifeless response of the DSG paddle shifters. This is especially true if you have any sort of extensions on the OE paddles, as most seem to flex slightly before any positive contact with the shifting switch. I won't go into removing the switch itself from the steering wheel as that has been covered elsewhere.
So what is this secret sauce? Simply applying a 2mm drop of hot glue to the inside of the paddle itself gives a positive contact and corrects that lifeless response while providing excellent tactile feedback.
Here we go... After the paddle is removed, lever the pivot pin with a small screwdriver to exit from the bottom.
Next-remove the pin with some flatnose pliers.
Now separate the switch from the paddle. Careful not to lose the small return spring.
Place a small drop of hot glue on the + and let cool slightly.
When glue is almost cool, take a punch or flat steel rod and mash the glue to just above the profile of the +.
This is the end result.
Now reverse the instructions above to reassemble, reinstall in the steering wheel and Voilà... Crisper shifting with excellent tactical feedback. Enjoy...