I've recently replaced the VC gasket and put my BSH PCV revamp back on. Just a couple weeks ago I replaced my DV with the GFB DV+ so I'm nearly certain that's not leaking, but that didn't fix my boost leak. I was hoping it was just a hose somewhere and I needed an oil change anyway, so I let them look at the turbo system while it was there and they couldn't find any smaller leaks anywhere. He said it's probably the turbo itself. I may get a second opinion, but he's a VW certified master tech, trusted recommendation from a friend, and I suspected as much already anyway, so I'm not keen to pay yet another diagnostic charge.
I'm definitely going to drive it this way for a while (I need at least 2 tires first and other than being a few pounds short of full boost, it's not causing any issues), but in the end, I guess I'm looking at a turbo. He gave me a few options (one of which is a little complicated by the APR tune):
- Replacement K03
- Replace it with a K04 for a few hundred bucks more (probably the best time to do that)
- Frankenturbo and a more custom tune. The problems here is that I'd have to go back to APR to get them to flash it back to stock first and I'd need some more supporting hardware.
Of course, there's always the "ditch the car" option, but that would be a last resort since we're going to need to replace our minivan with a wheelchair van soonish. I'd like to keep this car for another 5 yrs/50k miles if possible, but it's costing me a fortune lately. I can do smaller stuff myself, but changing out the turbo is definitely beyond my comfort level. I also have some of the symptoms of torque converter failure, but again, it's not really causing any driveability problems (it's just slightly annoying in cold weather).
I really like the K04 idea, but in the end that's going to cost a small fortune because to really make good use of it, I need an upgraded HPFP, injectors, HFC (no test pipes, we have yearly emissions testing here), and a re-tune. Guess I'm just looking for some of your thoughts on it.
tl;dr - Need a turbo. Which one?