Well guys, the tiptronic is litterally on its last life, every day I drive it I am worried its going to leave me stranded. I am really wanting to swap in a manual, but dang 01Es sure cost a pretty penny, and for me being unemployed and still in high school, I dont want to blow all my money on that. I can get a 5 speed for sooooo much cheaper, and I just want to know pros and cons, I understand RPMs will be higher when cruising at 80, but I eventually want 18s so that should help that. Bottom line, for the guys out there with 5 speed B6s, how is it to daily? Should I really just hold out and get a 6? I am basically wanting to get the whole car swapped over to a manual, then in a year when I finally graduate and am employed again, I could just drop the 5 speed and slap in a 6.