04 B6 S4 M/T
Here is the problem: my battery or my alternator has gone bad. I went to O'Reilly's to get both tested, they tested the battery first, said it was bad, then tested the alternator and said that was also bad. So, I went to get Advanceauto to get it tested as well, they said I need a new battery and the tested the alternator as well, I started the car and was told to rev to 2k rpm to test the alternator, and it was between 13-14v, so he said my alternator was good?
the car is not my daily driver, and in the afternoons I typically take it for a brief drive. For about two weeks I've been experiencing problems with it cranking up, it will turn over once or twice and then it's dead. But after driving it for 30 minutes, it will start but just barely. I have no issues of my car cutting off while on the road or even a lack of power I the car, so it must be my battery right? Fingers crossed it is.
Second issue- i replaced the radiator due to a small crack and now my temp meter is faulty, i can drive it for 20 minutes and it won't move from the Cold, the all of a sudden it will go to normal for a few minutes then back down to cold. Every now and then it will go all the way up to the overheating stage and my coolant light will come on, but then stabilize back to normal? Anyone have any ideas why this might be?
Thanks for the feedback