Not quite sure of the question but if I have it correct you have a 2009 A4 with 103K miles and you are wanting to get a 2011-2013 S4 or A6. Correct?
If that's the case, I hope the A4 is LOADED and in perfect condition. I just check KBB and if it's loaded and in excellent condition, then trade-in valve it between $9,881 - $11,696. So you're either going to pay to give them the car or maybe get lucky can get $1k for it after your loan gets paid off. The other route is a private sale which is valved between $11,258 - $13,149, but then you'd need to sell it before buying a new car if you intend to use any of that money towards the new car. Still that's not much of a down payment.
Instead of looking for a new car, I'd pay that shit off as fast as possible, and then think about a new car. Owing $10.3K on a 7 year old car with 103K miles is crazy. Get that shit paid off before even thinking about another car / more debt. Just my $0.02.