I saw a few threads about towing with a B8 A4, but seems like they are mostly about the Allroad. I am debating getting a CPO B8.5 A4 to replace my small SUV, and I need to be able to tow a small utility trailer. The most weight it will carry would be a lawn tractor about 2 miles to the shop, which would be about 700 lbs counting the trailer. Most of the other trips would be to Home Depot to get lumber, or two kayaks. The HD trips would be about 5 miles without any big hills, the trips with the kayaks would be further but they weight at most 150 lbs total.
First, is there a published towing capacity for the B8.5 A4 Quattro? Second, is there an trailer hitch that doesn't look too awful? My brother has a BMW 335 that has a hidden trailer hitch that is completely invisible until he puts the drawbar on. Is there an option like that for the A4?
Thanks in advance.