Hey all. So I was investigating an issue with my headliner rattling super annoyingly and I assumed it was due to the typical sunroof slider clip being dislodged. Well its not, however I did discover something else. My b7 used to be my wife's DD and despite my badgering she insisted on leaving the sunroof popped up all the time. She liked having it open but didn't want to deal with opening and closing it all the time. My main objections were rain getting in and the like. As one tends to do in relationships, I dropped it after a while, because you've got to pick and choose your battles and this one didn't seen worth fighting for.
So coming back around to my problem. While investigating my rattle I discovered a TON of leaves and sticks and random crap that got stuck in between the headliner and the roof due to leaving the sunroof popped. My question is, how the hell do you get it out??
My initial thought involved my shopvac (or the "crappy" Dyson, we have a "good" one), some duct tape and some sort of decently rigid, yet flexible hose like washer drain hose or simlar. I've seen Dyson accessory kits with car cleaning attachments but the crazy price aside, they don't have the reach I'm looking far. Some of these leaves are like 4-5 feet back in the headliner (because avant). I'll probably try to attempt this soon, but i figured I would throw the question out there: Does anyone have a good solution to this dilemma? I need a fairly long and rigid (heh heh heh) hose to get all those leaves out of the headliner, I'm not sure the clearance up there but its got to be about an inch, maybe less...