Hi - have been searching the forums but couldn't see anything specific so here goes.
The other day I imported (engine on) a few tunes from SD1 that I had downloaded from itunes. Encountered no complications importing and the given i download full albums I had no problems with file structure, etc...
Tonight (engine off) I imported some more tunes from SD2 (SD1 card still in). The import executed successfully but when I went into jukebox to play the music all folders were empty, not even the songs I had imported a few days ago. The mystery is when I go into settings and check memory, it shows some tracks being stored, i.e., 1% of memory, but because I can't see any tracks I can't delete anything.
Not sure if this is a bug and I should just restart the MMI (hold menu, top right button or whatever) or this is a bug that occurs when importing the tracks with engine on / off or something.
Anyone encounter this before?