Someone please help me!
i was using apple carplay, this cuts off my second work phone from bluetooth so a no go. I then switched to playing music over bluetooth, album artowrk can be dodgy so...
switched to playing through a lightning cable connected to the usb ports under the arm rest. fantastic, i get my work phone connected via bluetooth all album artwork etc very happy boy...
then i plugged in this morning and nothing, if i hit play on the iphone that track plays but if i scroll to another track via mmi nothing. factory reset media seeings via mmi and reset iphone.
it charges and i get a double vibrate but if i go to the folders and select artists, playlists etc i get 'preparing media content please wait' then directly back to the problem above.
someone please try and help me i was so unbelievably happy with the way this was handling media now this im gutted!