Bought this from aluthman a few weeks ago but decided to go a different route. This kit has roughly 10,000 miles. Used to run the Unitronic tune on the old car. I never installed it on my car.
Asking price: $2200 obo. Shipping is at the buyer's expense (I get a good shipping rate through my work)
** I will not part anything out unless everything is accounted for by other people as well **
Kit includes:
- Garret GT-3071 turbo with manifold, all lines needed to bolt right in to your car
- 3 inch downpipe (required for this turbo)
- Autospeed Poly Motor Mounts
- Bracket for under the turbo to the top of the motor mount
- RS4 Injectors
- intake pipe to mate to stock location
- Intercooler hose to mate to stock location with Diverter valve convert v r (may not need this)
- Forge Diverter Valve
- 145 Bar PRV
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