So I installed my new Alpine MRV-M500 amp and SWT-12S4 sub alongside Bose system with RNS-D. I used this diagram to tap into the stock loom (right at the original amp). I used 6 for the ground and 9,10 for signal of line level (RCA) and 25 for remote. Everything seemed normal, sound is great, no loud popping I red about before, but there's another issue, there's signal distortion whenever turn signals, power windows etc. are used (the sub "pulses" to turn signal ticks). My amp has high level input, tried to connect that way but the issue prevails. Also I noticed a strange behaviour when even with no ground on line cables (6 disconnected) there's still signal coming to amp and sub is still playing. I know Bose is using "floating ground" and all but why the problem is still there even when using high level output of the original amp? What else can cause this? Maybe my ground is bad for the new amp? I used a spot under the rear seats that I noticed while routing power cable. I tried googling and searching for this problem and solution but all I find is when there's loud popping issues.