I'm back with another new noise my B6 is making! So on saturday I went to the auto parts store to dump out some old oil. When I got back in my car, I noticed a ticking sound I hadn't heard before. Drove it home, and it had gotten a bit louder. I went out the next morning and started it, and it was a lot quieter with the cold motor. I drove it to work today and it did the same thing; really quiet (but still noticeable from outside the car) when I first started it, and then just got louder til the motor was warm. I know timing chains are the "obvious" answer. I've been reading up on the procedure the last couple day in preparation for the job.
The thing that's making me question if that's the problem, is that my startup rattle that I've had since I've had the car (1.5 years) is exactly the same as it's always been. I get a second or two of rattle on cold starts, and occasionally a very brief rattle after it's been sitting 30 minutes or so. If my guides were failing and causing a constant sound, shouldn't my startup rattle be noticeably worse? The noise I'm hearing is also different from the clatter I hear when I start the car in the morning. The chain rattle is more of a dull knocking, where this noise is more of a high pitched tapping. I've poked around a bit, but I cannot find a definite source of the sound. I scanned for faults but didn't come up with anything related. It still idles perfectly fine, and I have no check engine light or misfires. Any thoughts?
The general source of the noise does seem like it's coming from towards the back of the motor. I got under the car and it sounded like it was coming from the direction of the power steering pump or ac compressor. I just replaced the ac compressor 4.5k miles ago, so I really don't think/hope it's that. Any thoughts?