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  1. #1
    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    serviceing Baileys DVs

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    Hello everyone, i bought two Baileys from Waterfest 2 years for $35 i knew that one of them was not working properly.
    The symptoms are whenever i try to push the valve is really hard and i have to apply some good force with my thumb to do so. 2 It really does not come dont on its own.
    the spring seems to have some tension but really dont know if the springs are with specific with PSI tension. The other DV open and close fine with little thumb push.
    IF this valve needs any new parts, anyone know where. i have search for Baileys but i just get a catalogue website in UK.

    Last edited by Tiluleshpingen; 09-04-2016 at 07:16 PM.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    i see that in one pic the rubber sealant is out , but i assure you that it wasnt like that .. i took it out to see if it was damaged

  3. #3
    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    bump any one ? is ther supposed to be that much grease in there? or any at all?

  4. #4
    Veteran Member Four Rings zillarob's Avatar
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    I prob wouldnt have put that much grease in, but shouldnt really have been a prob.

    I would measure and hunt down a new o-ring for it. You might get lucky and find write up on the web somewhere though.
    Also look closely at where the o-ring runs on the inside of the housing, have seen them wear a sort of groove and get a sticky spot.
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  5. #5
    Veteran Member Four Rings S4 John's Avatar
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    I always thought Bailey's had a lifetime warranty? Idk if that helps because you bought them second hand anyways. But, I would thoroughly clean those and put a light coat of synthetic high temperature grease. As zillarob said above, can you tell what is binding the piston on the broken one and if it was the damaged o-ring?

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    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zillarob View Post
    I prob wouldnt have put that much grease in, but shouldnt really have been a prob.

    I would measure and hunt down a new o-ring for it. You might get lucky and find write up on the web somewhere though.
    Also look closely at where the o-ring runs on the inside of the housing, have seen them wear a sort of groove and get a sticky spot.
    Thank you zillarob,i was thinking to replace the O-ring but more with a Bailey MS one and they are no where to be found. so i guess like you said, I would have to hunt for one like autozone, home depo etc.

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    Veteran Member Four Rings zillarob's Avatar
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    Lifetime warranty is almost always non-transferable and usually only good for the original purchaser.
    I think awe was a big supplier, but has since moved to their own dv's.
    They good people so you might get lucky with a call or email. Maybe they have some orings kicking around still or know what size you need?
    If you can get the size fingered out, Im sure mcmaster will have them in several flavors.
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    Veteran Member Three Rings TheDarkness's Avatar
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    I'm experiencing some "honking" noise from my car right now after 15 PSI. Wondering if my Bailey's are finally starting to give out? Or it might be a loose coupler somewhere...
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    Veteran Member Four Rings zillarob's Avatar
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    Had one a while back that started doing that pretty good. I reset the cracking psi on the gates and went away.
    Not sure if from softening up or just got out of sync, but the ecu didnt seem to like it.
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    I have replacement o'rings for this if you want a set i will sent them to you for couple bucks

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    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamil P View Post
    I have replacement o'rings for this if you want a set i will sent them to you for couple bucks
    you got pm

  12. #12
    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    to give some closure to this thread the O-rings were completely the wrong ones. I guess the previous owner had tried to service them with off the shelf x brand home depo O-rings.They were too thick and rigid for the piston grooves thus not moving freely.Luckily Kamil P came thru with good Baileys O-rings and now the valves work perfectly and he was a local got to meet him in person too. Very good person. Thanx Kamil
    Ps will be going back to this thread if i find similar O-tings for this valve other then from Baileys and will add it here for other user to have as back up

  13. #13
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    Glade it worked out for yea,
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    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    So i am back to this thread but for a different reason. Both DV have completely different fittings yes they work fine but one is brass the other is plastic , 1 has a 90* bend one is straight
    i am trying to find a set either in plastic or brass but they have to be straight. For the life of me i can seem to find them anywhere. looked up mcmaster and summit the plastic say Norma 3 and 4 R1/8" on the other side. The brass one has no markings


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    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    and when ever i found a close one they are shipping from UK
    found this one but i dont know if the thread size is the same

  16. #16
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    They're British pipe thread, you'll be very hard pressed to find them around here although I have heard rumors of eBay having the right size.

    I eventually just drilled mine out slightly larger and tapped them for NPT fittings and never have to worry about it again.

  17. #17
    Veteran Member Four Rings Tiluleshpingen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGee View Post
    They're British pipe thread, you'll be very hard pressed to find them around here although I have heard rumors of eBay having the right size.

    I eventually just drilled mine out slightly larger and tapped them for NPT fittings and never have to worry about it again.
    so would a male 1/8 npt work as of now or i would have to open them up?

  18. #18
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    I went larger on mine because that's all that was available to be locally for fittings. I don't think you'll be able to get any kind of a decent thread going to 1/8 npt but I could be wrong.

    I would definitely open them up since you'll have metal shavings inside of them no matter what size you end up going with from running the tap down them, you might be able to just cram the 1/8 npt fitting in there and cross thread them but that would be ghetto as shit and I know I wouldn't do something like that on my own car.

    This is how mine look after a fresh rebuild.


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