Originally Posted by
There is a lot of info on tuned 3.0 motors in the B8 and B8.5 S4 section. Just more interest there. I would bet that most with S6, S7, A6 and A7 owners don't flash tune their ECU just because of the buyer demographics. Look up bhvrdr and he has lots of info on chipwerke piggybacks and Unitronic ecu flashes. That search will lead you to lots of other info including stage 2 flashes with a smaller supercharger pulley and an oversized crank pulley. EPL had a deal including an oversized crank pulley and a flash for it.
I would also check around because the last time that I checked, the newer C7.5 3.0 TFSI motors have a new ECU that hadn't been cracked by any of the tuners. It could have changed since I last checked though.
Yea, I frequent the B8 and 8.5 S4 sub-forum, I guess I was hoping to see something specifically for the A6. It's heavier, different breed of car...would love to see its own brand of attention, not something regurgitated from a different car. But maybe I'm asking too much haha.
I guess I thought that guys get an A6 because it has the same engine as the S4...but with more luxury. So since it's a bit detuned or has to carry more weight, or whatever...I figured throwing an APR Stage I or equiv on the A6's would be pretty standard. Guess I was wrong. I would be getting a C7, not 7.5, although I have been reading up on and subbing to the threads about problems people are having with tuning them.