I was getting a code for my EGT Sensor in the bank 2 postion so I opened the sensor up and tried re-soldering the connections before throwing money at it.
I plugged everything back in and the car started right up, however all the lights in my heater controls were flickering like a christmas tree. I stopped the car and checked my work and realized I left a ground wire off one of the screws that hold the EGT sensor to the block. I tightened that up and tried to start the car and it now keeps stalling.
It seems to run for about a half second and then shuts down. At first I thought it seemed like the immobilizer kicking in but the immobolizer light comes on when I turn the key and then shuts off to indicate it has made a connection with the key. It is definitely not just turning over. If I hop on the throttle quickly I can rev it but it still stalls out.
Here's the Vag Com details.
- Everything worked fine before I tried fixing the sensor.
- After the car would not start I tried the Vag Com again and received an error saying there was no response from the controller and I couldn't read any modules.
- I pulled the plug on the bad EGT and then I was able to access all the modules except the 01 Engine and 17 Instruments.
- Tried pulling the ECU, same results.
- Tried disconnecting the Instrument cluster, same results.
I pulled all fuses and found nothing blown.
Does anybody have any suggestions I could try?? Not sure what else I can do other than swap ECU's. Problem is it's a D Box from Europe. I believe I've got the immobolizer 2 which doesn't affect the ECU so an A Box should work from what I understand.
Thanks for reading.