So awhile back I snagged a set of 6758 efr turbos that were from indy car setups. They were never raced and only used for a low boost test and then sold. I sold one and kept the other and then traded the rare indy car housings for the factory housings. I have been running a gt307qr-wg 90 trim and it's an absolute horrible match too the 1.8t (though much better then the comp 5552 that died).
While waiting to find a fairly local clean example a4 avant to make mine I came across a gtx2867r and bought it. It's lightly used and ready to go. My thoughts was it would be perfect since I already have gt28 dp and exhaust setup.
Then I bought my avant and got straight up fucked on the title. While in limbo trying to get the title resolved I came across the turbo that is my number 1 pick for 1.8t or even a 2.0t, the 7163 efr. So I bought it.
Fast forward to now and it looks like the title issue is going to be resolved so I do not have to worry bought parting my avant. I am going to have some time since I have to replace the heater core, front windshield, redo headgasket, and maybe build its block. I really think the 7163 efr is the turbo but unlike the 6758 it's not internal wg nor internal bov. I have those parts so it's not a huge issue. I will have to make dp but I can do that. Flip side the 6758 is a great option but to me the 2867r makes more sense since I already have parts to bolt it in.
Stupid choices. I want 350 awhp.... I want to go faster 12.5 quarter mile.... I want it to be daily drivable....