It seems that a ton of valuable clutch information is deeply embedded within a few other threads all over the forums. The idea of this thread to have a place where those with aftermarket clutches, or parts of clutch kits, can leave their feedback, good and bad. It seems many members, myself included, have had less than stellar experiences with expensive aftermarket clutches. Here is a very simple format to help facilitate participation.
Which clutch?
-Eurocode Meisterwerk Stage III Clutch
-Yes (Eurocode as well)
What other components did you replace during the swap (clutch fork, master cylinder, stainless slave line etc)?
-Master cylinder
-Stainless slave line
Installed by professional?
-Yes. Master Tech at an Audi Dealer
Did proper break-in?
-Yes. 750 mile break-in, as instructed.
How many miles currently on new clutch?
- 4k
If not stock, what stage car (if not in signature)?
-See signature
Describe the pros/cons/issue(s):
-The clutch seems to hold the power I'm throwing at it (dual pulley e85)
-Very noticeable shudder on 1st gear engagement regardless of RPMs used. There are ways to get less shudder than others but it's noticeable no matter how you engage from a stop.
-Whenever I take a gear(s) to, or near redline, the clutch pedal stays near the floor forcing me to physically pull the pedal back to proper position.